You should wear good shoes and clothes. Paintballs can cause bruises. The paintballs
are filled with food dye and therefore stains can be washed out easily.
If requested you can get an overall which protects your clothes from the dye. You should bring
your own baseball cap, other head covering and gloves.
We use high quality markers made by the company planet eclipse (air pressure)!
The loader on the marker contains 200 shots.

There are 500 paintballs per game included. (extra paintballs can be purchased)
You’re not allowed to use your own paintballs on our field.
The mask protects your eyes, ears, mouth and nose!
The mask is the most important piece in the game to avoid injuries.
The teams are identified by blue and black long-sleeved T-shirts.
We have a paintball chronograph to test or adjust your marker.

Bring your Go Pro Hero with you to capture your experience – there’s a suitable mounting
device available at the pitch. If you want to buy your own marker, we’re happy to give advice.